Lovers Point- A Short Story

A man standing at the tip of a cliff

Yug was standing right at the forward tip of Lovers Point.

It was dangerous.

But not for someone who had decided to end his life.

It was a table top feature perched precariously on a high peak, surrounded on all sides by an iron fence. 

The inbound area was tiled.

It was a picnic spot.

But mostly, it was frequented by fellows, wounded by the cupid’s arrow.

Lush green surroundings, vision extending up to infinity, a vibrant valley of flowers spread out in front and the fresh, fragrant breeze.

All this effortlessly placed you in a relaxed frame of mind, inspired you to become more of yourself, acknowledge the other and maybe, fall in love!

On other occasions, this extraordinary ambience just did the opposite which earned this place another tag, Suicide Point.

Every year, many people jumped down to sure death from this height and said goodbye to a world which had become too much for them.

The administration had put some strict rules in place, increased the number of guards, installed surveillance cameras and restricted entry.

But determined souls always found a way.

Especially in a far flung, remote spot like this.

Like he had.

It was 7 am in the morning.

The sun was still struggling to break through the misty fog.

The guards were yet to arrive on duty.

Apart from him, there was just a lone couple out there.

They sat at a comfortable distance from him, the fog further adding to their privacy.

The woman held a young baby in her lap.

She leaned against her husband’s shoulder, whispering to him softly.

Yug stared into that gorgeous bowl of flowers with empty eyes.

He could not detect any beauty there.

His whole life played in a fast forward mode in his mind.

It was ugly.

A broken marriage, a failed career and a stint with drugs.

Why was he still alive?

What was he waiting for?

40  long years had gone by.

Nothing worthwhile happened and nothing was likely to happen in the next 40 either.

It was a hopeless condition.

One step at a time, he crossed over the iron fence.

Now, he gaped into the deep gorge below, with his hands going back and still holding the railing.

In a moment, it was going to be all over.

And in that moment, his eyes caught a glimpse of a toddler.

While the couple was engrossed in an intimate conversation, the baby was crawling happily nearby.

Gradually, he wobbled away from them…towards the fence.

The first rays of the morning sun finally waded through the milky fog and illuminated the Lovers Point.

The baby neared the fence, got hold of the railing and now stood erect.

He found the bright carpet of flowers unfolding before him quite enchanting and as he smiled, two round dimples appeared on his rosy cheeks. 

He looked with curiosity towards the man who was lurking on the other side of the fence.

He seemed to like the idea.

Slowly, he pushed his small body through the fence.

He was still holding the fence with his tiny hands when he turned his little head and gazed into the unending hole below.

There was no fear in his eyes.

He beamed at his companion.

Yug felt his heart pumping hard against his ribs.

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the couple.

They sat there, oblivious to the whole world, hand in hand, lovey-dovey.

The baby now stood with his back towards the valley.

Yug forgot about his own business.

In two easy steps, he crossed over the fence.

He was back into the familiar.

The baby didn’t seem to like what his unknown friend had done.

For a few moments, his attention was engaged by an orange monarch butterfly that buzzed around him happily.

Yug reacted fast and swiftly paced up to the kid.

Now, he was just two feet away from him.

But he didn’t want to scare the baby in any way.

It could have been fatal.

Without making any noise, he crept up and grabbed the baby’s right hand.

It was warm.

He pushed his hand into the baby’s armpit and pulled him towards himself.

It was a miscalculation.

The young devil was heavier than he thought.

The grass was still wet with glassy dewdrops. 

The baby slipped.

Yug rushed forward.

But it was too late.

The baby now clung onto his savior's left hand tightly, afraid.

Yug bent over the fence to pull him up.

But before he realized, he also toppled over.

Now, the situation was that he was holding onto the fence with one hand while the baby clutched to his other hand, with both of them dangling mid- air over the colorful valley of flowers.

The baby started howling.

His shrill voice echoed in the valley.

The couple was finally forced out of their trance.

They dashed towards the fence.

The woman covered her face with horror.

The scene she witnessed was worse than a nightmare.

Her husband had grasped Yug’s shoulder by now.

The sun was now coming out of its shackles.

It was beginning to get hot.

Yug realized that the baby’s hand was slipping out of his grip due to sweating.

His own shoulder was hurting terribly.

‘I am losing him.’

He yelled.

‘No. My baby, my baby.’

The mother wailed with tears streaming down her face.

‘Listen, you go back.’


‘I said you go back.’

The woman retreated a few steps.

‘And you hold me tight.’

He shouted at the husband.


The baby’s hand was about to slide out of his grip.

He had no time.

He took one deep breath and with a sharp tug, he lifted the baby with one hand and lobbed him in the air towards his mother.

For those few seconds, the world stopped. 

The baby traversed along a half moon circle in the air.

The mother was simply terrified as she finally realized what her role was at that juncture.

She dropped her bag and shifted nervously on the ground, adjusting herself.

The baby had begun the downward descent.

She switched one more step to her left and extended her hands.

And…. the baby landed safely in her lap.

She crashed on the ground due to the force of the landing.

But they both were all right.

She embraced the baby tightly and cried uncontrollably.

Her husband had by now pulled Yug up.

Clutching his left shoulder with one hand, our hero staggered up to the baby. 

The kid was now sucking hungrily at the milk bottle which his mother had so aptly arranged.

Gradually, he went off to sleep.

Yug wandered back to the fence and stared into the valley of flowers.

It looked beautiful.


Another Fascinating Story


  1. What a thriller story, I was simply holding my breadth till the end.
    Must say: A beautiful way to beautifully teach a beautiful lesson.

    1. Thank you so much Shalini. Life is indeed a big thriller.

  2. An heart thriller story ... Ohh now took a breath..

    1. Thanks a lot Asma. The end was breathtaking for me too😊

  3. जिंदगी का डोर खींचने वाला कोई और
    हम तो सिर्फ किरदार हैं।
    दिल को छू लेनेवाली कहानी।
    सुंदर अति सुंदर।

    1. बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। सच कहा आपने, हम सब तो रंगमंच की कठपुतलियाँ हैं।

  4. Very profound! How Yug gave his all in saving baby's life, somewhere in his heart, he knew the preciousness of life. Title of story is so apt, Lover's point, I strongly feel, we all are in love with our lives, we need to awaken to this fact every now and then.

    1. Well said Aanchal. We tend to forget that life is so lovable. We need reminders, at times a friend, at times a short story.

  5. Fabulous writing Sir
    Sach kahu to yes lg raha tha ki wo sare moment mere ankhon ke samne ho raha h, end me to bilkul sanse tham si gayi thi.

    1. Thank you so much Ajeet. Saanse meri bhi tham gai thi, likhte samay😊

    2. Manish fabulous as ever.

  6. Story was really thrilling n chilling but made its valid point at the end.

    1. Thank you so much for reading Lovers Point. The subject is so sensitive that it required a context. That's why the revelation comes towards the end.


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