What Are You Waiting For?

We all are waiting for something.
When I finished my schooling, I waited for a good college.
My future depended on it.
After that, I waited for a good job.
I had to prove myself.
Then, I waited for a beautiful and mature girl, someone who could handle me.
Together, we dreamed of a family.
Soon, our young daughter joined a kindergarten school. 
And then, a senior school.
In turn, she wanted a good college for herself and a well-paying job too.

How life keeps repeating itself!
I always wonder at it's cyclical nature!
How we keep moving from one milestone to the other.
And all that is worthwhile happens as we travel from one check-post to the other.

But what happens once you reach there?
You start looking for something else again.
Cars, homes, careers.
Status, power, money.
You desire everything.
And when you reach there, once you get it - your mind starts wandering again.
It starts desiring and dreaming.
It again starts waiting.
But what for?

It seems that cars, homes, jobs, power, money or status are not what you are actually looking for.
The thirst is for something else.
The wait is for something else.

As my experience grew richer, and I witnessed different colors and shades of life, I fathomed that what I really wanted to know was this : Who am I and what is the purpose of my life?

Gradually, I realized that while we might all look different externally, we are exactly the same from inside.
And so are our capabilities.

I began to feel a kind of oneness with the world and the people around me.
I was not separate.

With this, a number of maladies like anger, jealousy and hatred, began to leave me.
And these were replaced by understanding and compassion.
If you are one with the world around you, then who would you be angry at?

As for the purpose of my life, I realized it through my passion.
Whenever I picked up the pen, I felt a kind of intensity and involvement which no other action garnered for me.
After finishing a piece of writing, I felt as if I had gone beyond all my boundaries.
I felt light, like a bird exploring the boundless sky.

Now, as my experience turns deeper day by day,
I feel that  my wait is finally getting over.
My thirst may finally be quenched.

And I may finally transcend all my limitations.
Because that's what the heart desires.
And that's what the whole business of life is all about.

And that's what I have been waiting for.


  1. Rightly said we are always waiting for something and our quench for something known or unknown never ends. We spend years and years in that search, but ultimately if we get to know what we were looking for gives us immense pleasure and contentment.

    A very nice article!

  2. Yes Shalini, ultimately what we are waiting for is an opportunity to transcend our limitations and rise in the sky like a fearless bird.

  3. Very well written sir. Please go through my blog called Poetry Junction too.


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