
Showing posts from May, 2017

Robot My Friend

Once upon a time, there lived a young boy called Shanku in the small but vibrant township of Deolali. He was fair and sweet with dimpled chins. When he laughed, a curly lock of golden hairs danced playfully over his forehead. The most revealing feature of his persona were his eyes - blue as deep sea and full of innocence with a hint of mischief. While the other boys of his age flocked together and played tirelessly in the nearby park, Shanku spent most of his time with Robot. And who was this Robot by the way? An old toy which ran on two red colored, heavy batteries. Most of it was badly damaged. Its hands and legs were held in place with the help of tiny bits of black plastic tape. It fired from a silvery machine gun as it moved sluggishly on the floor, one foot at a time, making strange noises. Two brownish eyes stuck out of his face and shone brightly while his head was covered by a worn out cowboy hat which was not part of the original accessories. Frequently, it would ...